Pancakes & the secrets to making good things
BEHOLD! Become one of the rare exceptional creative people who knows how to tap into the powers of pancakes!
From monster horde to charcuterie board
My WORST performing article and video! Come talk about food and game design with me, a weirdo.
Designing a great player experience with Coraly Rosario
Witness! A fascinating glimpse into the world of user experience with expert UX designer Coraly Rosario (Pokémon, Marvel).
Game launch success: treat your release like hosting a holiday feast
Launching your game is like having a holiday feast. It is! Multiple folks have said, Matt this analogy actually works.
Witchmore direction discussion: let's go to (bullet) hell
What kind of game should I make? I'm considering pivoting Witchmore from a dungeon roguelike to a combat/arena game!
How to feel GOOD about your unfinished games
Ever feel bummed out about not finishing a game project? Don't be! Read, listen to and/or watch this instead.
The appeal of making an auto shoot 'em up game like Vampire Survivors
It's hard to ignore Vampire Survivors! What a simple and fun concept. Are you making a game like this? Should I??
How to handle the death of a platform (for example: Twitter)
5 helpful ways to handle a platform becoming unstable. Don't panic!
Scratch your itch with ChuyPlays
What drives you to make video games? Let's talk it out with ChuyPlays!
Making Airships: Conquer the Skies with David Stark
A fascinating 9-year development journey with Airships: Conquer the Skies developer David Stark.